The continuous improvement of the international status of traditional Chinese medicine products after drying and other processes

Drying equipment

The concept of traditional Chinese medicine formula granules originates from foreign countries. The production technology has been independently researched and developed by the Chinese people. It has entered the stage of industrialized production: Traditional Chinese medicine formula granules are single-flavored Chinese medicine products that have been refined by leaching, concentration, and drying techniques. Japan, Korea, and Taiwan began to develop granules in the 1970s and successfully won the international market with traditional Chinese medicine formula granules. China has undergone independent research and development for more than 20 years. In 2001, China's Food and Drug Administration formally named traditional Chinese medicine formula granules. By 2010, The High-Level Forum of Chinese Medicine Formula Granules announced that it has completed production specifications for more than 600 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine formula granules, and the market size is expected to reach 2.3 billion yuan in 2011.

The international status of Chinese medicine is on the rise, and China's international trade in China is still in a childish period. Traditional Chinese medicine formula granules are expected to become a bridge for international trade. It has been reported that Chinese herbal medicine has received more and more attention in the international market, and its market size is growing at a rate of 10% each year. According to WHO According to statistics, about 4 billion people worldwide use botanicals. According to GIA's estimation, the international botanicals market will reach USD 93.15 billion by 2015. In spite of this, we are still in a childish period in international trade. Taking Japan as an example, the prescriptions of its 210 prescriptions are all derived from China. 70% of the raw materials used in production come from China, but it accounts for 80% of the international Chinese medicine preparation market. Its share of compound granules is exported to Europe and the United States and other countries, and the share of 5% of China’s market share in the form of primary Chinese herbal medicines is 70%. We believe that Chinese herbal formula granules are expected to become a bridge for expanding international trade in Chinese medicine.

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