It's no wonder that the oil price rise mechanism is not transparent

Kong Rong is four years old to give pears. The basis of the domestic oil price adjustment conditions is that when the weighted average price change rate of crude oil exceeds plus or minus 4% for 22 consecutive working days in the above three locations, domestic refined oil prices can be adjusted accordingly. People's Kong Rongrang’s pears are well-known throughout the world. The National Development and Reform Commission has made the “pear” win the “stability of the upper and lower reaches,” and ordinary people can suffer.

The Three Gorges Evening News reported that Rong Rong was four years old. Let her brother say that he should eat small; let his brother say that he should not eat big. When I read this story, I found a problem: He was favored at home and he had the right to speak. He said everything was reasonable. Otherwise, how can he let his brother, but also let his brother, but also make it so chic. The National Development and Reform Commission basically wants to carry forward the spirit of Kong Rong. This does not, in the context of the international oil prices all the way down, the development and reform commissions are stable and stable, dragged down to the National Day only after the cut in oil prices. Rules should be symmetrical and not selective. When the relevant state departments have formulated rules, they should follow the rules, and they should not always speak for themselves.

There are two problems here: First, the rules are not clear. For example, international oil prices refer to the prices of Brent, Dubai and Xinta crude oil. The basis of the domestic oil price adjustment conditions is that when the weighted average price change rate of crude oil exceeds plus or minus 4% for 22 consecutive working days in the above three locations, domestic refined oil prices can be adjusted accordingly. The weighted proportion of the crude oil price in these three places is not specified by the NDRC. What is even more embarrassing is that since the weights and calculation formulas are unknown, the daily change rates that various information agencies can find are not the same, which proves the diversity and opacity of the change rate calculation methods.

The second is the dilemma of corporate monopoly. The introduction of non-public ownership enterprises to participate in the competition is still a social expectation. Otherwise, the price ceiling of the National Development and Reform Commission will always be the market price. Using opaque, or "more complicated", common people do not understand the rules, to regulate oil prices (or to balance the interests of state-owned enterprises and the people), do not "rise more and less or less" to blame it? As a big consumer of energy, we can make appropriate macro-controls on oil prices, but we must not use ambiguous rules to talk to ourselves. Otherwise, between the rise and the fall, the people are disadvantaged compared to other countries’ people. People's Kong Rongrang’s pears are well-known throughout the world. The National Development and Reform Commission has made the “pear” win the “stability of the upper and lower reaches,” and ordinary people can suffer.

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