In what ways can I distinguish the quality of the lightning arrester?

When we buy a lightning protection device from a lightning protection manufacturer , how can we distinguish the quality of the lightning protection device?
1. From the response time: determine whether the lightning arrester can respond in time and the ability to quickly discharge the lightning current
2. It can be seen from the insertion loss: This refers to the installation of a lightning arrester. The impact of this lightning arrester on the line is as small as possible.
3. It can be seen from the impact resistance times: determine the service life of the lightning arrester. Under normal circumstances, the gas discharge tube will not fall for a period of time. If you want to test its quality, you can use an adjustable high-voltage DC power supply . test.
Generally, the quality of the lightning arrester is judged from these three indicators. If the lightning arrester is very close to the electrical equipment (assuming the electrical distance L = 0), then the residual voltage of the lightning strike equipment is equal to the lightning protection Device residual pressure, the lower the residual pressure, the safer the equipment being protected

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